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So the pope says Mohammed is a killer

thank god jesus never killed anyone

Lappington arrives!

September 27th 2006: Ladies and gentlemen there is now hope for future updates to this site! You see, I now have yet another laptop and thus more oppertunities to get bored sitting in front of a computer. What this means to you I dont know (since only two people have ever taken the time to actually read this page) so yeah I got that going for me. What can I say though that hasnt been said? Well I think that now that I am older, and thus more mature, I am in a better position to provide my audience with the quality posts that they deserve so expect some radical changes in my grammer! I will also have more projects, maybe if I figure out how to put audio files online and such (perhaps some youtube material if I ever did anything interesting, which I dont so thats good) this could actually be somethine. However I do still need to contact those 2 readers about some items, such as producing some musical recordings and whotnot. I have requested more time off my work (it is a long story, lets just say its for school and not a pissy hissy fit) so I have more time to spend on the important things, namely homework and trying to find important things to do. So let us go forward on this journey together......WOOT!  

*Is no one curious as to how the term WOOT! snuck into the popular vernacular? something about it just doesnt scream uhh.....smartly? Anywhew yeah think about that.

July 12th 2006:  I dont want to live like I was dying. We're all told to do that but it seems pointless. The idea behind living as if you were going to die sometime in the near future assumes that there is greater purpose in enjoying our time then there is in being some mindless useless drone. But the world needs those people, we need the work horses and the slaves. It seems as if we are supposed to take pride in the fact that in finding more enjoyment in our lives we better ourselves above them. That their lives don't matter. There isnt a movie that glorifies the mundane, or at least one in the mainstream, as even when they seem to be observing the drudgery of life they always try to make it fantastic in some fashion. I dont want to say dont enjoy every moment of your life but I just question the value of it all. Why do I have to live like I was dying to take pleasure in life. Why cant I take pleasure in the mundane, or why cant I appreciate other equally valid emotions simply on the basis that they dont make me feel good? Why be caught up in the happiness, the extreme of life when so much of it is so much less?

July 22th 2005: Oh all I ever do is bitch and whine. I've made my piece with that and its about damn time ya'll should do the same. Its just that theres so much to vetch about like the single thing and the hating the job thing. But lets get over the being a prepubesant nancy and instead look at the positive in life You see I like beer because it helps me to loosen up and forget my whiny bitchyness. At the same time I've come to fear that I have become dependant on alchohol to expirience any kind of depth with those around me. You know breaking down the barriers and whotnot. I mean theres only one person I tell the truth too and even then its a distorted truth. gettin me drunk may be the only way to find out just how messed up I really am. All I can say is that I aint buyin.

April 12th 2005: I've started getting old. Not saying my body is falling apart cause it isnt. Its actually in the best shape I have ever had it in. Its more in my head. I've started thinking about what the hell I'm going to do with my life. I'm not talking about a career or any of that BS. But the other things. I started thinking about someday finding a girl with whom I can spend the rest of my life with. I want to think about where I want to live, where I want to work and how I want to do it. I'm dreaming about having kids and hearing them downstairs while I look in the eyes of the woman I love some rainy morning where we dont want to get outta bed. This is what I mean. I'm getting old. I guess its cause I'm not enjoying this being single thing, and I'm hoping that the next stage will give me something more. DAMN MY CONSERVATIVE VALUES!! I envy people that can go out and just have fun for a night without worrying about the consequences. I envy and I hate what they are doing at the same time. Each out for their own enjoyment and each playing their own little games. I hate being single. Theres nothing in it but self indulgence. Oh well, until I finds me a woman this is me, till next time.

March 22nd 2005: I really, as usual, have nothing to say. I've tried updating this site some 3 times during this computer class (not this specific class but rather 3 consecutive classes) and somthing always messes up. So I lost some beautiful rants on Microsoft, Sony and Nintendo not to mention some of the more juicy tidbits of my life of depravity. But nay, they are lost and none of my bitching and whining and self depreciation can bring them back. Not that I deserve them *sniff*. Oh OH OHH WOAH IS ME! Whatever shall draw my quickly deteriorating attention span now? Perchance some dream of greatness yet to be achieved, a goal...something that could be a driving force in mine and the lives of those around me. But it can never be for there is nothing I can do to create purpose, only the almighty can do that (god knows what he was thinking....being god and all) and he doesnt seem to want to be doing anything; He just sits up there watching his edited cable porn starring David Duchovny, a bag of pork rinds in one hand and a cold Pilsner in the other all the while wondering what the kids are doing (us being the kids). Its not like he doesnt want to pick us up from band practice its just that his hands are full and his show is on. We would do the same if we were him. I'd call him but his number isnt listed. I had it on my cell but the screen broke. Doesnt matter anyways, its not like I'm his favorite. Stoopid Jesus. 

Febuary 7th 2005: There hasnt been anything exciting happening in my life on account of all the lazy. I swear we should all be so lucky as to have all the lazy. But I digress as I have things to say and so little room in which to get my garbled english across. Like I wanna know why Noah lived 900 years or why honesty does not get you work. Why can't I sell my body for money while the women in movies are forced into it all of the time. It's just so sad when you consider that being a prostitute would satisfy some of my basic needs like the warmth of another human being and money. Ya gotta access whats importent in your life but how do you do that eh? I mean you can be ignorant and happy but is that happiness? And at what point do you stop being ignorant, like how much do you need to know or be aware of until you arent ignorant? Is it possible? So does that mean that happiness can only be found in ignorance or do you have to search for truth to find true happiness? All heck, lucky religious types with your answers and pants. I wish I had more pants.

January 30th 2005: As usual I have nothing to say to the masses. But there have been some important things that have been happening in my life. Like right now, my laptop has just gotten a new addition, wireless networking. Is now my baby I'm touchin her right now. I'm a bit of a pedophile and incest monger when it comes to my baby. I like to hold her and tell her everything is alright, I also like to put my fingers all over her and leave my sweaty markings behind so everybody knows that she is my laptop. You touch her and your going down and when u go down you stay down. Cause I am a big man, a real big man all about the rageahol. But I digress as I am hungry on account of my being left alone at home (hungover) all weekend. So now, now there is nothing to console me but lappy and all of the materials she can now bring to my lap. All them diry ladies all over me...mmmmmmm. I likes it. I likes it alot. So....unless someone gives me an idea for something to talk about this is what I am going to discuss. Aint that just grandiose!! Hu Hiuck!

January 16th 2005: So, whatever shall I say. I guess I should talk about the importent things like what are the hizzaps lately. I guess the best thing to talk about is how the days are all melding together as I spend more and more time in the safe confining walls of my house with my precious laptop. One wonders why I simply dont just get drunk and while the days away like the white trash I am inevitably going to end up as. Its awsome cause I'll get me a domestic truck of some kind and have a domestic car as well (parts of one..or several) parked on the overgrown lawn while my domestic wife gains another 30 pounds to her already robust frame pumping out another child to supplement our welfare payments until child welfare takes that one away from us like all 7 of my other children from my first 3 marriages. I guess I gotta get back to wearing wife beaters, and I need to stain thems. OFF THE LITTLE CEASERS WITH ME! COME MARY-SUE-ELLEN WE GOTS TO GET US OUR VIDELS!

December 17th 2004: Ya know getting a job makes u feel alot more confident, like now I'm all pimpy and damned handsome all because I help old ladies by Ps2s at the local Futureshop. Oh sure I just worked a 9:30pm to 6am shift and have a few more on the way, but I'm happy. Ah heck I even smashed by finger with the sliding drawer of the overstock shelf and I'm still happy (and a bit of a glutton for punishment as everytime I press the space bar I use that finger) and do you know why? Cause its almost christmas and thats just fan freaking tastic. Or at least it will be if I get my pillows and my cappo, oh lord help my parents if I can't play Free falling on christmas morning. But whatever shall I bitch and whine about, besides the things I just bitched and whined about....hmmmmm well I guess I can say that I'm bored, between work and school I dont do anything (cept clean the house for 2 count em 2! christmas parties) and even now when all my friends are going skiing all I can do is bitch because I dont have any money to go with em (I'm too proud to borrow money, not too proud to eat a pillsbury pepperoni and bacon pizza I found on the floor of the family room) because work wont pay me because somebody messed up on my forms (It could have been me but they didnt say nuthin) and now I have to wait till probly after christmas before I get a paycheck. That really helps me with my school and all of my christmas shopping now dont it? And now I have to go to the fricken school and tell them why I dont wanna pay an extra 133 dollars for a freakin health insurance plan I didnt opt into (I voted against it) when I'm already covered by 2 full plans which cover all those things I never do (Doctor, dentist, chiropracter.....dont get me started on chiropracters) because I feel perfectly fine and dont want to complicate matters for no reason (My dentist wants to break my jaw and reset it because it doesnt look I need a new dentist) so yeah I blame student apathy at my school.....we arent the most energetic bunch of college kids. We like muffins. So uhhh yeah I guess thats all I have to say for today, this is your link to the outside world (or at least the 20 squared feet of which I encompass at all times) saying bubye fo now homes. Whicka whika

November 15th 2004: Yesterday I passed a very importent milestone in my life. I am now officially 18 and a half!! Yet there was no party, no celebration......mind u a couple of my friends recently had their birthdays and I did dick all for them, but its the principal of the thing dammit! Oh well, oh incase ya'l didnt know of my failure I did not get the job at Nintendo (despite every second person coming up to me and saying "Your perfect for that job Nick their gonna hire you for sure!!") and have been turned down by several fine corporations due to my lack of expirience. That there is a bit of a joke cause how the hell do you get expirience, by doing the job you cant get, unless you have expirience. But that is kind of how companies and our government plan to make sure we all remain uneducated, oh yes....I have it all figured out. Teenagers have to get N drivers licences. These they have to hold for 2 years minimum and in doing so they cannot drive any more then one passenger ipso facto no car pooling. So I wanna go out for dinner with the guys, gotta bring like 5 cars. Very enviromentally friendly. The freeze on Universities has been lifted in BC making them a hell of alot more expensive and guess what, we have to get 6 dollar an hour jobs (for 500 hours) to pay for our tuition, our car (I need my van to get to school cause its a 30 minute drive down the highway) and (god forbid) our housing and food. Something has to give so most kids will have no choice but to give up college for work, its not their fault they just cant afford it. To add insult to injury we have schools that sell registration to foriegn students over native born students. I think that we should get first dibs on our schools cause, where the hell else can we even think of affording to go? They take money out of the schools so they need funding from other sources like exchange students who are willing to pay top dollar for canadian classes. So really what we are creating is a generation of uneducated, untrained and pissed off people who will spend all of their meager earnings paying off their parents rrrps! What the hell is this? This is BC, with its highest job growth rate and ample education. This is where we live......just great.......

October 20th 2004: Well allo mon ami tis I, that shuddering bowl of jelly that makes you life worthwhile, Attackpoodle. I have alot of interesting things to talk about so I'll type crap and talk about that stuff to my friends. I gotta think of somethin to type though eh? well ok last weekend TS and myself did the undergrad rowing thing and now we are full fledge novices!! Yay!! row at 6 go to school at 8:30 (thats AM by the way) on wednesdays. Thats the life I tells ya. But ya never know, someday I could make varsity and like get the free parking and all of that jazz. You know that would be the king shit. I'm gettin kicked off now by some mean library biotch......PEACH!!!!

October 4th 2004: I dont have a job.....that pretty much sums up alot of what is goin on with myself. You'd think school would take up my time but nope, thought I had 3 essays due in a couple days so I came to school a few hours early today to get some help with them....they arent due for 2 weeks.Too much damned time so now I'm writing to you people whilst listening to the enthusiastic voice of Frederick Mercury telling me to keep myself alive (as if I had another plan in mind) and now the foundations telling me to let someone build me up, which I will take into consideration once I figure out what the hell they mean by that (Do they mean confidence wise or dick wise?(erection...ya know guys) I guess their the same thing). So what should I discuss with ya'll in the time I have doomed myself to spend here at the computer (I'm only updating the site cause I already checked all the gaming news, my e-mail and have spent the last few days researching such great gaming titles as Final Fantasy and Megaman....I'm all up to date again) so I am at a loss as to what to type about that would have any relevance to anyone but the biggest of geeks. Hmmmm....well how bout the weekend I just spent at UVIC? It was an interesting expirience to say the least, one that further fortified my belief that I will never get to a "real" university. Why those were smart kids running into walls stone drunk and listening to freakin Whitney Houston at freakin 8 on a freakin sunday morning... Oh the band is comin along pretty good, infact I wrote down a few chords for a song and a lyric chorus line (mind you that it requires a few harmonious voices and I am the only voice we have in supply.....damn) but heres hopin that with the help of Mac, TS and yes even the incredible Caleb I can make a real song outta it. I mean it cant be that hard right? RIGHT?? aww heck The Corner Crew will be a viable band solution I swear, I mean as soon as we get some drums and maybe a bass (or even just like another electric guitar....we can drop the strings or somthin) then we are in business. Heck I even thought of a wicked piano solo for this song so TS start playin round with E, F, D and C in like a 2/2 time....I think thats what it is......Is there anything else you guys wanna know about hmmmmm? Anything that tickles your fancy? Nope? good, well then I'm gonna ask you all to pray for me (I aint terribly religious but anything can help) cause I applied for a job with Nintendo of Canada and I really want to work there. I mean come on....It's me. I need that job (And before you ask Caleb you need your license and a car before you can apply, sorry man) so heres hopin. Thanks and Goodafternoon you beautiful nancies you 

September13 2004: Here I go again on my own eh? well as of right now I am between classes at school so I got some time to discuss the things on my mind. Like whatsup with Robert Frost? And why do I have no money? is it because I dont work and school costs alot? Hell no I blame little ceasers for making me spend so much money on their 5 dollar pizzas. Sure 5 bucks is a great deal but not when your buying 2 at a time 3 times a week. Thats 10.70 times 3....thats like a million dollars (or .10 which is the equivlient of a million dollars to me right now.) But all is well as long as I have my tunes and legions of adoring fans (thats you) to get me through this period financial bankruptcy (as opposed to moral bankruptcy which has been got me through highschool). You know the saddest thing about all of this? I should be a starving artist. I mean, I got no money and I write for the hell of it but where is my acclaim? Is it that I am to be unapreaciated in my own time? cause I would like to know when my time ends so I can be around to collect some of the recognition I was denied in "my time". Hell if I died tommorrow people would be whining and crying about how I was brilliant and had potential and ment so much to them. THAT DOESNT MEAN DICK WHEN I'M DEAD DOES IT? I mean its nice to lament over the corpse of the dearly departed but is it really that much to forgo the post mortem praise and say when ya wanna say to some one while their alive? Oh sure its terribly awkward, I mean the first thing I bet I would say is "........dude, I dont swing that why....but I'm flattered" but eventually it would be appreciated. But then again who am I to complain bout this eh? I aint told nobody nothing bout how much they mean to me all in the hopes that I'll see them maybe next week. Well what if I dont see em next week cause they all go off to some "University" while I'm stuck at my wicked fictious college (to quote Rocko) unable to voice a simple "Thanks buddy" but instead relying on times new roman to bring my meaning across for me.Damn.....I'm gettin as bad as mac at this bitching thing........It'll all change when I get my electric guitar I tells ya. Then I'll be too good for this crap what with my long hair and ample women of easy virtue. Yet till such time this is Nicholas Marc Lemieux Dunford signing off telling his fans to keep the faith!

September 7 2004: God am I bored. But hey as long as I fufill YOUR needs, what are mine EH? ho hum I saw ta that! I'ma startin my learnin tamarree so perchance by then I will type english gooder. Yet till said day I be all about this crap. So what has happened in the time I never wrote here you ask? I've gotten a licence, phone and all of the other trappings of teenagerdom...which sucks cause I'm like an old man (18) and am tottaly above material goods (or at least I will be after I get all that stuff I want). Its good though that I've started to expirience life, cause now its time to have it taken all away due to my apathy and lack of caring........yes.......I am clever. Oh when shall sleep come and take me away from this wretched glorified Turing machine? WHEN I ASK YOU WHEN!!! is it now? now?.....naww probly later. But at least I get to sleep surrounded by all of my precious stuff. God if I went one night without my master roshie action figure where he's humping the turtle I dont know what I would do, probly sleep. Well I guess I will depart till the muse strikes me again with her smart stick. Oh she says its a smart stick....but I just know that it fell off the ugly tree. That tree and me....we gotta score to settle...duh duh DUHH!!!!!!

October 7 2003: Oh hello, I guess you think I should update more often dont you? well it aint gonna happen!! at least not as long as I have all this time and no direction. Anyways in personal news I would like to congradulate the coner crew on their recent victory! I left them a little tribute in the pics section. IN gaming news who cares really, new nintendo in china and all manner of stuff to do with emulation and all that jazz. I guess what I really wanna say is uhhh.....yeah if you wanna know all about whats goin on the the world ask me cause I dont know what to tell you

september 3 2003: Well howdy to the lot of ya I guess I gotta write something is the first official day of school for me and I am writin this during spare block. That pretty much sums it up. As far as news goes in vidya games the ps3 has been confirmed to be backwards compatable through the use of software which means that that maybe, just maybe that software can be emulated and brought to pc?? but thats all I have to say about that. But keeping on the subject of emulation and the like I have discovered that my little dreamcast isnt dead. I looked all over and found out that there are some brave men and women out there who program for it. Why just recently I found a program that allows me to play mp3's on it through my tv and another one that will hook up to my stereo system without my having to use a television. God loves the dreamcast I swear. Oh well I uhh.....I guess there is no other real news in the world.....really nuthin has happened cause again I could tell you hundereds of facts and news bits of what has been happening in the video game world but none of it is really relevant so I guess thats it....yup....thats all.....thats it....everything.....dang

August 20th 2003: I dun gots me Beta test, which is one of many reasons why I havent been seen nor heard from in some time. I will be putting pictures of my adventures as soon as the beta test is over and I can organize all of my screenshots in a tidy manner. But just for the sake of having it known I probly wont buy this game (dont have the money or the time which is a shame cause I love it so damned much) so you can expect to see me once again after the beta test it finished. School is starting soon so thats gonna give me a spot o work to do (as this year it has come to my attention that I actually have to work.....BASTARDS!!!!) and I am also currently looking for employment. uhhhh what else....hmmmm I could rant on and on about video game news like the psp and the Ngage and the phantom and all other kinds of news but you know what? You dont want to hear that and if you do you can talk to me about it. I guess I've run out of things to say on this site....seems kinda sad so I guess what I will have to do is either close it down or devote the site to some of my projects (like my stories and the Me-man RPG which is coming along nicely........even though I dont know how to do events.....hmmmmm) So I guess this means that uhhh......well lets think here....I need to do more for you people. hmmmm.....all in due time

July 15 2003: How about this crazy world eh? Sucks......I sign up for FF XI beta testing, they give me an E-mail saying that I won and it never comes!!! Oh but I dont blame them, probly wrote in something wrong on my address. But thats that, no more feeling sorry for myself its time to enlighten the 2 people who read my site!! OK since I know people own Ps2's (Not myself I got a cube.....thats just me) so I will discuss some of the news that has been fluttering about in the world. First lemme tell you about your system, they can fit the damn thing on one chip! Thats right the complete system has been put on a chip by sony itself which makes you wonder why the things so damned big eh? Keepin with the ps2 I guess bein such a squenix fan as I am I guess I should talk about something I am very afraid of......FFX-2 and its being NOT the exact same engine as FFX and its music NOT being done by Uematsu.......oh.....talkin about the PS3 I guess the whole cell chip controversy should make things interesting. Its supposed to be approximately a hundred times better then an intel pentium 4 2.4 gigahertz but you get all this jazz about sony, IBM and Toshiba (who are making it) not being able to make it in time for the ps3.....seems.......So in Gamecube news we are finally gettin some RPG's. Yes the Tales series (look it up) is coming to the Nintendo system as well as Harvest moon the life sim and Giftpia, a game made by some of the chrono trigger crew. I didnt mention FF chronicles but thats cause I dont trust it...looks like a failure cause its too innovative. Gamers like it or not are all conservatives. They dont know it cause they are too dumb, but they are. Gameboy players live the dream cause we get the best RPG's and of course attention, cause everybody loves us. And XBox fellas.....Well I guess Fable looks nice.....and the whole Linix thing thats cool, look that up or ask me about it cause its too long of an ordeal to write about here. What else to discuss eh? I guess I can write about something very near and dear to me, those mcdonalds toys they have out now. With sonic, they are little games that you get with ur happy meal.....what kid my age didnt have those little tiger games eh? and these are pretty much them, sans score, replay value or quality. Its just a little diversion, I had my sister pick me up a whack of em for me cause they are just so danged cool! they would be cooler if you could hook them up to your key chain or your pants and if they had a clock in em but what do you expect from a mcdonalds toy? I remember being, well I jumped around the house for days, when Mcdonalds had those Mario toys, where they jumped cause they had a spring and a suction cup? now those were the days, aint that right edith? But I guess thats it......I'm so much more informative in person but on a final note I leave you with this.......There has been a precedent set, infact its been around since 2002, that makes Modifying illegal and a guy got convicted for it in a CANADIAN court...scary aint it? I dont do it but for those of you who do.........

Feb 17 2003: so its been a month since I last updated. No one ever actually comes to this site so who do I really have to answer to other then myself? (mind you I can be quite the hard drillmaster)and so ON WITH THE NEWS!!!!!! first off I would like to say how pissed off I am at the good people at square USA for their random choices....myself not being included. You see Square USA took all of its members at Playonline and did a random draw that none of us were aware of. Those lucky BASTERDS who were picked got to demo freakin FINAL FANTASY 11 ON THE NORTH AMERICAN FREAKIN NETWORK!!! Of course this means that it has become my mission not only to hunt vampires but to also hunt these guys (though I do suspect that they themselves are vampires or are in league with vampires in some fashion) after they stole MY DAMN DREAM!!! hmmmm what else....theres a site up for the FF remakes on playonline. For those of you who follow the sport of BMXing you will be interested to know that legend Dave Mirra, is suing Activision for 21 million dollars US over unauthorized use of his name in the newly released BMXXX. Nintendo is hunting down cartridge piraters......I just felt like I should warn all of the flight attendants whom like to get their children the games they buy in bejing and hong kong that these items CANNOT be brought into the states and if Nintendo catches you you WILL BE SUED!! I recently downloaded the final fantasy 20020220 album which happens to be the GREATEST FF ALBUM OF ALL TIME!! infact I will buy it come the next oppertunity its just that damned good. It was from the live concert last year in Tokyo with the TOKYO SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA!!! And I was really pissed off last year cause my mom was in Tokyo and didnt go or ask me to go or buy me the CD or anything. I'm just soooo damned MAD!! IT WAS FREAKIN CONDUCTED BY UEMATSU HIMFREAKINSELF!!!mind you it takes a diversified and knowledgable mind in matters FF to know where all this music is coming from and what some of the story behind it is but its also a good listen to those of you who dont know FF. Its one of the few albums I have that my family can actually listen too cause its kinda like the boston pops in some aspects. Its very mood catchin stuff. Now all I need is to be able ta finally drive then I can listen to this stuff to and from school while I have a fun drive in the Micra......ahhhh dreams, dreams are ment to be crushed. Oh and that greatest of the Hallmark Holidays has passed us by. Unlike many people I dont think that Valentines day is a stupid holiday, I view it as a day to spoil your special one with those little things you've forgotten or missed or just indulge your loved one. Mind you I am speaking from the point of view of a dateless wonder so my opinion miiiiiiiight be a little different then yours, still dammit its my freakin page!! Oh also as I sing to melodies of life I am reminded that I have recently purchased Legend of Zelda. it is now part of my collection and I am always looking for good RPG's and such to add to it so if you see somthing Hook me up! Thats all for now I guess, if ya needs ta talk the E-mail addy is the the profile and msn is usually on. LATER DAYS!!

January 18 2003: I have finally started work on that damned other site I have been blabbering on about. So far it has the beginings of one story which focuses on the Canadian Mech Force. The concept is pretty cool, kinda like Patlabor, but I am a horrible writer so its more like trying to get an idea across and failing. But still its fun and some of the conceptual art looks sweet. There isnt much big game news what with the GBA SP and the whole soul caliber 2 thing where Gamecube owners get to fight with LINK!!!!! and Xbox owners get to fight with SPAWN!!!!! while PS2 owners get to fight with Heichi.......the old guy from Tekken. You poor poor souls....... But I think that is all the news I have to talk about at this point in time so uhhhhhh hmmmmmm. What should I talk about then eh? Oh I know, I'll talk about some good movies I saw.....naww I'm just tryin to fill space.........dammit theres nuthin to talk about....damn

January 06 2003: THe first update of the new year......I should be dead by now. There has been very little news what with the whole vacationing thing and everyone not putting work in there is a bit of information but nuthing that people will take interest in I guess. I'm going to make that other site, but first I gotta get some drawings done so people can understand what the hell I am writing about (what with me being a terrible writer and all) then I will have somthing other then video game news to write about. So I guess I can design another site and get some good site designing software and all that jazz. Theres alot of crap to do but since I dont do my homework this seems like the next logical step so happy new year to the lot of you and I am still looking for u feedback and such cause I have absolutely nuthin ta do.

December 11 2002: Yes well it is almost christmas so I guess I should talk about the game news. Square soft and Enix ARE merging according to nearly every source and other web site on the internet. This means that the whole dream team will be able to make shiot loads o' games together!! So I guess that is all fine and dandy eh? There have been some interesting developments in console games, most notibly I would like it to be known that there seems to be a problem with imported copies of games on the Gameboy advance....Just warnin ya'll afore ya try it. And also note that when I mean copies....I mean copies. Ea recently posted their numbers and it was discoverd that they are a two billion dollar company that produced 1 out of every four games out there....GO LOCAL BOYS!!!!! In the interview with them it says that they are planning to branch off into other entertainment sectors like Music Videos and movies, we can only pray that they do better then the good people at square. Famitsu magazine (for those of you who arent as nuts about this subject as I am, Famitsu a magazine in Japan that most gaming sites go to for information and has one of the most well done game rating systems in the business) gave the legend of zelda:the wind waker a perfect 40/40!! which means that kidy graphics or no this game really does have to kick some serious ass. Again its a Zelda game that will tempt people into buying the nintendo system (I know I'm tempted). Soon, very soon I will register a new URL so as I can finally fufill my lifes purpose and put up some of my comic ideas and write some stories. The new site will be connected to this one and will be the begining of the real Attackpoodle network. Now I all need is more time and better equipment and a pepsi. I could really go for a pepsi right now....

December 1 2002: I dont trust news that seems to big or for some too good to be true so here it is...........Enix and square have merged.......yeah thats what happened APPARENTLY that is what happend. I belive it but I dont wanna so I wont cause this shatters my little mind. To change the subject I have prepared some images in the picture section if you would like to check that out and please ask me for more information cause I just didnt wanna type right uhhh bye ooo

November 18 2002:There is quite a bit of stuff happening. Well lets start off with Final Fantasy....Final Fantasy X-2 will have Riku in it as well as Yuna. Riku has now gotta slutty look and Yuna is lookin tomb raider style and the game mechanics are changed from the first in several ways. Which I will not list just to make you all hurt inside. Lots of new pictures and information about Final fantasy Crystal Chronicle have been released most of them showing some ff9 style characters and showing off the new battle system. In other news LEGEND OF ZELDA WAND OF THE WIND (or somthin like that) is gonna have the sweetest presale EVER!!! If you pre-order LOZ you get Legend of Zelda Ocarina of time for the game cube and............URA ZELDA!!!!! a game that was to be a new series released on the ill fated N64 hard drive is now playable on the game cube. There has been no word as to wether it is new graphics or anything. Heres hoping that it was properly emulated and runs smooth (UNLIKE ALL THE DAMN FF GAMES FOR THE PS!!!!! DAMN CARTRIDGE TO DISK CONVERSIONS!!!!!!!!!!) The updates are gonna be some time coming cause I am really slow in actually getting work done on this page. But I will have you all know that I am trying to increase my personal fame through a use of pity drawings on various drawing boards. I am soo proud of myself. Oh there are a few new hand held systems in the works, There is one by Nokia (looks like complete crap) and another one which looks good by Ericson (good phones) it uses 64 bit technology and has a nice big purdy screen. Its niiiiiiiice but I will always have my GBA....just cause I love it too much....though I wouldent be adverse to getting my hands on a game axe. What else is there......uhhhh......oh....lets help Mr.Madness. E-mail and complain as to why they wont let Mr.Madness use her sexual talents to heal the wounded. I think that is all I have to say but I would like to have some E-mails to me so I can get some feedback. I need some feedback......please?

November 1 2002: SUp sluts, I've been workin hard to make the news and the stuff so I guess I will go about doing that then. I am in the process of updating everything in this site so it may take awhile and the news will suck. And for those of you who were wondering who would have won the fight betwixed (ITS A WORD!!!) Super Grover and Yoda. Due to popular demand I must say that Super Grover wins by a landslide, due to Yoda being a big poof and Super Grover being just so damnmed intimidating and cool. There is some news in the world of gaming but you know what, its all pretty useless. Uhhh well lemme see, I guess there is some usful news like there is a sweet looking Ultimate muscle game coming out and several GODZILLA games coming out for multiple systems. However the godzilla games are being made by the french..........the french...........the french. I am making some progress on my dvd/vcd collection so reviews of say several hundreds of movies are possible. However I wont do em. I would also like to have a little Q&A, I want people to ask me questions, then I'll take out one of the more usless parts of my site and put the message up there. Its importent for me to prove people wrong, cause people are just sooo damned dumb. Grand theft auto 3: vice city has sold over 500000 FREACKIN COPIES OF THE DAMNDABLE GAMES!!!!!!! but thats just cause GTA rules. For those of you who don't know, GTA3VC is something of a prequal to the last GTA3 due to the fact that it takes place in the 80's and uses real eighties music. You go to vice city, which is a miami copy (miami vice? hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm) and do what you did in the old one cept now u can ride bikes and helicopters and all ind of stuff. Also IGN had a contest on there that allowed you win a DELOREAN!!!! hmmmmm what else is there to talk about......please, PLEASE!!!! I want your suggestions and imput and questions and stuff so I can put them on the site so I can become a true webmaster again.

Oct 28 2002: yeah I am back and I am as useless as ever. But there is news, oh yes, there is news. The biggest piece right now is the fact that they isnt using Nobuo Uematsu for the sequal to Final Fantasy X. WHAT THE HELL!!!!!!!!! I'LL KILL YOU ALL IN YOUR SLEEP YOU DIRTY BASTERDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!But in other news uhhh well oh yeah there is the whole fact that I am still next gen systemless......I have no ps2 or xbox or gamecube which is one of the reasons why I havent updated. Who am I to give you information on the lastest things when I don't have the latest things? but moving on there are several new games coming out but I dunno I don't seem really interested in many of the new ones. FFXI for the pc looks ok, But the don't use the moogles as a race, instead they use little ewok knockoffs..........I think that square is going down the tubes. Oh and I finally got around to taking a look at chrono cross, I wasnt expecting much, and I didnt get much but I'm just a little biased due to the fact that thinks its the seqaul to CHRONO TRIGGER BUT IT SUX SOOOOOOO MANY BALLSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!! Much like tyson shellenberg (he told be to say that) and I will write more now that people have been asking, I just didnt have much time during computers. SO LONG!!!!!!.....I swear it is.....don't break up with me, I'll get the surgery.....

Feb 3:Ok so I havent been updating. But thats cause I have been working on a site I am making for school and I am quite enthralled with my new gameboy advance. So in the world of games.....ffx sells 4 million units, another chrono trigger game is in the worx. Uhh......There are several new mmorpgs and most kick ass cept for the whole upwards to 30 bucks a month and the gba kix ass. I got some 10 games or somthing (bejing discount) so I can adaquately acess its performance. It has some great old games (gb-gbc) and has some sweet new ones like oldskool mario 2 and mario world and bof and oh god I stained my pants. Also for the dbz fan infogrames (a piece of shit company but what the hell) is making 2 dragon ball z games for the gba. One based on the ccg and the other based on the tv series. They are also making a game for the gc, the ps2 and eventually the x-bx which screens show so far a game simaler to the attempt at a fan game known as bid for power, (Bid for power was to be a sweet quake three mod but funimation came and screwed them over so it never came to be. They made it just not with anything dbz) or I dunno. Its infogrames. They lick ass. hmmmmm what else. Well there is plenty to discuss but I don't feel like typing

January 8th:Christmas has come and gone and with it all my youthfull hopes and dreams of getting what I wanted. I got knives.....but everybody gets knives. So lets see here and think about whats what. Kingdom hearts the square/disney game will be coming our way some time this fall unless they pull an ff 10 on us (that being a remark on how much earlier final fantasy ten was released then it was planned to have been shipping BEFORE christmas as opposed to a little while after) but thats not the biggest news now is it? I am going to be changing the layout of my site from this easy and remarkable freeservers layout to the hell of do it urself, why u may ask? cause many people havent seen some of my past work and I'll show them ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!! oh and uhh what else. There hasnt been too much news, more rpg's for the gba and things like that. for most of your console rpg news I highly recomend cause its the best site on the internet. ONLY INFO and some other crap but nuthing annoying. If anyone is looking for a laugh I suggest that you enter the signed guestbook area of either balthazar's or Caleb's pages because their sites seem to attract an unwelcome element that is quite fun to observe. And I belive that that is all the news that I have to say cause there really isnt much else unless ur from bc, then read the following

Hello, my fellow British Columbians. You are stupid and confused and don't know whats what and I don't blame you I blame information. Well here is more information. There is a message going around the internet about a possible walk out by students on january 23rd in sympathy for the teachers. I don't know if its a joke (though it most likely is) but I will treat it with this mesure of thought. The teachers are asking for too much and are too disorganized a group to care for. Their demands should not be given pity but should be laughed at. They are too stupid to realize that our province has no money, hell Canada has no bloody money. They think that people will side with them because the public sided with the nurses but those are two completely different storys. Nurses work hard for long hours, receive alot of training and deal with alot more stress then a kindergarden teacher. They deserved that money and the teachers don't plain and simple. If that money goes somewhere it should go to the upkeep of schools, not teachers even though that will never happen either. Its going to be a while cause the teachers don't seem to understand but we will have to do with what we got. I don't mean any disrespect to those whom teach us but this is either an act of stupidity or a very big mistake. lets hope that it is a very big mistake.

December 19:Well, let see what I have to talk about. Old new but they don't ship dreamcasts no more, game cubes are killing in sales and uhh.....uhh.......oh Wolfenstine (the new one) kicks ass. I havent tried the full version but I have the online demo and I happen to enjoy it very, very much. Its based on the quake 3 engine and is set in WW2. Finally a game with something that makes some sence. Forgive me if I come off wierd but I spent the last few days eating tasty cake and food and all manner of munchy delites. Oh uhh...what else is good new.....hmmm. uhhh well I've also fallen in love with a game called crimson skies which is very very simple, so its good. And I've rekindled my intrest in GTA old skool but the big prob with that is that it runs like shit on my new computer whereas on my oldie it runs masterfully.......Makes you think don't it? oh Also, I would like to apologize to anyone who ever actually read my ideas on chrono cross. It does follow the old story but without similar art work or graphics. I prefere Trigger many times more but I shouldent have judged the game without reading up on it. At this point in time I am working on my powerpoint work so I guess I best be taking my leave, I hope I update soon but u know I wont.

December 3: ok so it was almost a month ago that I last updated, its not my fault the world has gone topsy turvy. As I wrote before come the 18th my new computer will arrive with its 1.8 gigahertz pentium processor and its 512 RDRAM and its fancy 64 geforce3 T5000 or somthing like that as its graphics card. Not to mentionthe forty gigs hard drive and 19 inch moniter. oh god I got my pants all dirty just thinking about it. Oh yeah and the world has gotten all the more or less? boring with game cube outselling x-box, new ffXI details like the species, elves, little dog/halfling dudes (not moogles more like ewoks) and humans. Also discoverd an old game that I played a few years back is still running. It goes by the name of graal and is an online version of zelda basicly. the graphics are pretty much the same as they were in a link to the past but with some neato (and just legal) changes. I am attempting to get a guild going but as it is I am no wiz at how to do anything I mean, look at this sad page. And uhh I think thats about it. If you want more news then e-mail me but as it is I know that nobody really comes here for the news. The just use me for sex, thats all I am to them, a body. WELL I HAVE A MIND TOO YA KNOW!!!! and it doesnt get loose like those other places.

This is November 5:Well for those of you who read read anything on my site I'll say it again WITH 6 GIGS OF HARD DRIVE (and most likley a external upgrade on the way what with ps2 allowing a 20 gig hard drive attachment) U CAN BLOODY WELL PUT AN EMU ON THE GOD DAMN SYSTEM AND PLAY SOME HARDCORE GAMES!!!!!! Probly not things like gamecube games which require more textures and such but things like ps2 most likely and anything below that (think of it, u can play all them nintendo roms u can't find the cartrige for, u know the old games like that shitty game based on the dragonlance chronicles and that terribly hard but still fun imortal. U can even play the elusive earthbound the first rom for old skool nintendo) And so it'l kick many a booty. Also the gamecube has a hybrid coming out produced by the panasonic corporation, it's called the Q and it has the ability to play cube games and dvd's. Making it a must buy for all those sniviling little rich kids who bitch about not having a dvd player for their 50 inch video game exclusive tv's. U LITTLE PUNK COCK SUCKERS!!! I'LL RIP UR SCROTUM AND LAY MY EGGS IN UR COLON!!!!!!!!!!!!! and uhh there are some other bits of news people may find interesting. like uhhh well there really is no other news.... I think.... I'll get back to u later. Alrighty then? I know that the ace ventura thing is over but I can do whatever the hell I want. If u get a page u can do the same thing alright then?

Oct 30: One more day till halloween. And then I get to touch little k.......... I get to sit inside and watch good televsion. Cept the damn simpsons aint on till the freakin 4 of NOVEMER!!! U YANKEE BASTERDS!!!!!!!!!!! Well in tha gaming world, I found out that sony really owns 19% of square. I also found out that sqaure asked to work for the game cube. Its kinda funny cause nintendo said no. Why u may ask? CAUSE THEIR FREAKIN MORONS WITH THEIR COCKS RUBBING MAGAZINES OF MARIO TAKING IT UP THE ASS WITH A PIPE!!!! cept miyomoto. he's cool. The x-box and game cube are near here. with the x-box coming at the price of 700$ at its cheapest! and gamecube coming at 400$ somthing at its cheapest, it all really comes down to how much your willing to pay. Me personally find both a little outta my price range (x-box especialy, u'd think that micr