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Lappys nuggets

What follows are my (Attackpoodles) property but they are free for public viewing. Their mostly musings, book and movie concepts that make no real sense but since I want to fill up some space on this webpage and some people are soooo bored that they will read anything to pass the time I'll put em here.

On Villany

I  wrote this during my 4 and a half hour break during school, its just some thoughts on what would be an interesting literary concept. Like how bad guys are always the same self serving bastards and even when they are trying to look good they always have those shifty eyes

  Thoughts on Villany

A real villain doesn’t want whats best for himself, he wants whats best for the world. That is the problem with most ficticous acts of villany. The bad guy always pushes for his own agenda when instead of being some single nut bent on world destruction he should be an idealist doing his damnedest to save the world. If I was to save the world from forces that would attempt to annilate it then would I be the bad guy or the good guy? By being the bad guy who is trying to protect something sacred as opposed to the good guy ushering a new era of freedom and diplomacy I think that I should be creating something new and different as opposed to the status quo that is per usual in typical over the counter literature. So on which of my many non-existant projects should I put this idea into effect. I think that perhaps I should create a group of “Heroes” whom have something of a totalitarianist leadership (maybe even bringing with them the return of monarchy) versus a liberal and downright good way of doing things that is threatened and placed as the “Evil in society. That would perhaps create some interesting choices for the reader to make or maybe even have them unwittingly side with a side that does not reflect their own interests as a member of a society. Maybe….maybe that could all work, or maybe its all BS. I dunno.






Remember whatever I dare put on here belongs to me. Mine, not yours. Mine